Houses For Sale | Mark Williams | Windsor-Essex Ontario

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Christmas Home Safety Tips

Nobody enjoys an unexpected injury or a home maintenance emergency over the holidays. Here are some Christmas holiday home safety tips to make sure things go well this week.

1. Do not go on a ladder. I heard this year about a friend of a family member who fell off a ladder this year putting up christmas lights. He broke one arm, and the other arm needs surgery. He is the breadwinner for the family and cannot work. He has a 3 month old and a 3 year old. Putting up the christmas lights was not worth the risk. Get a Christmas light projector and safe yourself some serious potential injuries that will ruin your holiday, and cause issues to your family for months.

2. Do not leave gifts in vehicles or outside. If someone can see presents or new purchases in your locked car or outside your home, they may break in. Always take presents in where they are safe, or at least cover them up so they are out of sight. Otherwise you may have some disappointed family and friends this year, as well as a broken window.

3. Put indoor lamps on a timer around the house if you are leaving on vacation. This will make it appear that there is someone home and moving about the house. Break-ins are less likely if it seems like someone is at home. It is also a good idea to have a neighbor or family member go check out the home, if you will be gone for more than a day or two.

4. Get a taxi if you plan on drinking while you are out. The police are always out stopping people on the holidays, doing breath tests. If you do not want to spend Christmas in jail, get a taxi instead of driving.

5. Remember to snuff out your candles. Candles are a holiday favorite in many families, but it is important not to forget about them. A candle can easily go out of control and burn down your beautiful home. That is a worst case scenario for sure.

If you enjoyed this list and you want to reach out to talk real estate, feel free to call me, Mark Williams at 519-300-6464.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday.