Downsizing Your House In Windsor 2023
Thinking about downsizing your house in 2023? You are not alone.
It is a tough economy right now across Canada, and Windsor is no exception. Interest rates are at their highest in 22 years, after being at their lowest for a very long time. Many people were not prepared for these rate increases due to bad financial advice.
This has made it attractive, or even necessary, for many people to sell and downsize their homes. This does not need to be a bad thing. Most homes built in the last 20 years were extremely large compared to the average family size. Approximately 30% of bedrooms in houses across Canada are empty, according to census data.
Most families would not really even notice the difference day to day, when living in a smaller home. Their finances, on the other hand, may feel a big difference.
Less Responsibilities & Maintenance
Having a large well-kept lawn looks great, but it can also cost a bundle. The same is true of having a large house. The larger your house and lot are, the greater your responsibilities and expenses. Why pay to maintain and furnish areas you barely use?
When you ensure your home is the right size for your family, you have more money and time to do the things that make you happy.
Nobody likes being stuck at home, especially after the last three years we have had. A smaller house means less time spent maintaining a lot, cleaning empty rooms, or watching contractors fix the roof over an unused bedroom.
Profit From Your Smart Decisions
For the average family, their home is their biggest investment. In most of Canada, housing prices have been on the rise for decades, and Windsor is no different. Unfortunately, it can be difficult for people to access the increased value of their home, particularly with higher interest rates.
Downsizing is the perfect opportunity to pocket the difference between the sale price of your current large home, and the purchase price of a new smaller house. Many people in Windsor could put $100,000 or more in their savings account, without impacting their lifestyle too much.
Would you rather have a six-figure bank account, or two extra bedrooms? I know what I would want!
Downsize Your Home For Peace Of Mind & Financial Security
If you are interested in seeing how much money you could save by selling your oversized house, give me a call at 519-300-6464. I would be happy to talk with you about your options in Windsor, and show you houses with no obligation or pressure to buy or sell. hatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.